I was seven years old, we were often left alone in class. Sometimes the teacher
for the next class would not be in school and we would have to provide our own
entertainment to pass the 30 minutes that was the duration of each class. One
of the boys in the class Adeleke, walks to the front, pulls down his pants and
asks all of us what the tiny wiener in between his leg was. We were inquisitive
kids without supervision who didn’t know that conversations like this required
adult presence. So everyone turns to me because I was the living encyclopedia
who spent all her free time in the library and asked endless, annoying
questions (most times without a filter). How in the world those little buggers
expected me to know something so complex still befuddles me. I tried my best though
to answer Adeleke’ question; first I walked to the front of the class and
examined his wiener and told the class that it looked like a broken pencil. I
was around a little of penises as a kid; we all had our baths both morning and
evenings at the backyard of the communal building where I grew up and modesty
was the last thing on our mind. There were also drunken neighbours walking
around naked when they staggered home bat faced and forgot which apartment was
class laughed and one of the boys, Richie said girls’ had vaginas shaped like
erasers (he said that just to get a rise out of us). At this point someone
shouted at Adeleke to put his pants on and return to his seat. The girls
refuted that our vaginas looked nothing like an eraser and the boys puffed
their chest and replied that their little wieners looked more like the sausage
in Gala
and less like a broken pencil.
humans were not created equal. Man was created first as a perfect being that
didn’t need anyone to co-exist but to rule the earth and the animals within.
Women came as an afterthought to provide companionship for man so that he would
not be alone. We were to provide comfort, be subservient and procreate…that’s
all!!! In my view the imbalance with the sexes started with God; not
only did He not create man and woman equal, he made women inconsequential
footstool for men. We were not taken seriously; the old and new laws were
harsher in their demands of conformity and punishments where we failed to fall
in line. The bible is replete with examples of treatment meted out on women
from the era of creation, wandering in the desert and the time of Jesus. When a
woman committed adultery it was stoning, if she was raped she had to marry her
rapist, if she was menstruating she was treated as an outcast; a part of her
body she had absolutely no control over. Actions that were okay for men were
seen as slanderous for women such as drinking alcohol, having more than one
sexual partner, owning property, travelling alone, having pre-marital sex…the
list is long.
history, customs and laws that encourage women to be stifled, ambitionless,
home-making subservient creatures have been passed down and upheld to the full
order. Cultures that seek to submerge the personalities of the strong-willed,
shutdown the desire to be adventurous and spontaneous, trap them in loveless,
lonesome and sometimes abusive relationships, and prevent them from having careers,
nurturing goals stealing from them the live moving forces of dreams and hope.
They couldn’t even do something as basic as vote for their own representatives.
We were simply used, tossed aside and called upon to be used again. Leaders
were chosen for us, decisions made by our Lords, marriages fixed by our Fathers
and the core ethics of what should form our personalities were shoved down our
throats by the church.
penis used to be the golden ticket to an independent life…one that was not
dictated by family or forced by society, it ensured that you had some leeway
when you messed up and was given countless opportunities to shape up and
eventually when you were ready to settle down society didn’t expect you to be
monogamous or faithful. A man’s penis is the source of his ego, his confidence
to stand and make demands stems from the fact that he believes himself to be
better than you. His environment has shown with countless examples that he will
most likely get ahead of women even without putting in all the work they do.
The penis is a beautiful organ; strategically centered in between a man’s pants
to swing as he moves, steadying his confidence and providing reassurance. From
that one pencil flows half of the liquid that creates the magic of new life. A
man’s ego pushes him to think; I must rule, I must provide. It
drives him to surround himself with a small circle of men that actively seeks
to prevent women from growing; leaving even smaller spaces for women who want
to make it in life.
was a time when it was considered a stupid luxury to train a human born with a
vagina for the sole reason that the education would be lost on her once she
marries. Then it changed to rich men/ middle class educating their females to
make them more desirable for prospective bachelors. Finally, we had women who
pushed the boundaries that society had painstakingly designed to keep us at
changed his mind about us a long time ago and gave us the same desires and
ambition that he gave men. He put the dogged fight in us that we should stop
being simpletons who only existed and start living as free humans who had as
much right as any man for anything on this green earth…and fight we did! We
fought for the right to vote, we challenged the minimum age for marriage, we
got fixed marriages out lawed in most countries, we marched to be allowed to
drive and earn a living but that wasn’t enough…we wanted to own properties,
make the same earnings as men we now considered our equals and shine bright we
did. If God was the start of sexism, He was also the end when he crowned Mary
as queen of heaven and earth. He has given us great examples of political
leaders in Africa and the West who have excelled in a male dominated field.
we refuse to settle for being better. There is no greater time than now to be
born a woman. With each passing day opportunities present themselves for us to
excel. Feminism like everything else starts at home. What we teach our
children, the things we tell them about women, values that we impact upon them
so that they grow up to be independent thinking humans who see no real
distinctions in the mental abilities of what each of the sexes can do. Women do
not have to take physical and emotional abuse anymore; there are laws to help
protect us and where these laws do not exist, you fight back with everything
you got or leave that relationship because any life is better than that lived
in fear. More men who are not threatened to have successful female partners are
evolving and who feel insecure trap themselves in a warm cocoon of male
arrogance. It is not okay anymore to be a woman without ambition, to let anyone
make you feel less than 100%. The vagina
is no longer the burden that it used to. There is aura of power attached to the
penis, making it more than just an organ but a synonym for respect. Authority
and capability can be attached to the vagina so that when people think about it
they are not only imagining a hole for sexual gratification and child bearing
but a metaphor of strength, doggedness, underdog power and a group of humans
who will keep pushing till they are satisfied with progressive change. In most
parts of Africa surprisingly, women enjoy the same pay with their male
counterparts and gradually it is becoming a more equal playing field for both
sexes competing for jobs and advancement opportunities. We have come so far;
everything we enjoy today, someone fought with their blood in the past for us
to enjoy…never take it for granted. Live to be the best version of yourself.
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