You take away a man’s
hope and his tools to make money (especially a Nigerian) and what do you have?
A shell; a useless, walking zombie who is just going through life without a
plan or dream. What use does anyone have for a shell but to strip it of its
layers for what’s inside…and when its empty what do you do? Toss it away and
forget the experience for shells have no interesting depths to explore.
I stood on the other side
of the road… anxiously watching, waiting for something miraculous and TV like
to happen. Her shop was almost empty of goods. It was the last day of the lease
and she wouldn’t be renewing, not that she could afford to anyway. She sat in
front of the shop, a blank expression in her eyes, staring at nothing in
particular. She wasn’t waiting for something to happen for she knew there
wasn’t going to be savior coming in some magical carriage packing a bag of
money. She was resigned to her fate and was simply passing time till it was 7pm
when she would lock the shop and go home. Some of the people from the area came
to sit with me. We all watched… helpless to really do anything as another small
business within the community got swallowed up in this recession. No
electricity for weeks and businesses need power to illuminate. Suppliers are
increasing prices on a bi-weekly basis so retailers with trepidation have to
follow suit. There is rent, tax and utility bills to pay on small profits that
are drying up with every new increase because people have started buying only
what they need not what they want.
It has never been this
bad… Even when we complained that “times are hard”, we said it with a smile on
our faces…it was almost like we trying to make excuses for things we didn’t
want to give or do. We always found a way for luxuries, a good time and left
over for something in the bank. There was always something going on; some way
to make a little extra on the side. It was easier to save because
transportation was cheap and raw food even cheaper and when we started feeling
trapped in our small community we could always go out for a good time without
dipping. We could smile with heavy hearts, drink with throats constricted,
dance with heavy legs, shake bodies that felt immobile because that’s just who
we were. Hope was our constant; at night we dreamt of futures not so far away
when we could pay bills without looking at the price, make money doing things
that made us happy.
We did all this coz we had hope lying somewhere…pushing,
edging, daring us to be better than we currently were. When you can’t afford to
have fun, you have to plan for every N10 (sorry but N5 doesn’t have value again in
this country) going out of your pocket because the naira seems to be
forever depreciating without any increase in what you make as income…that’s
when you know you have problem. I felt disconnected from it all initially… I
felt lucky to not have to worry about the downturn of the Nigerian economy but
it was only a matter of time before I started to fill the heat.
everything changed around me. The price of petrol and gas went up and with it
the price of transportation, rice, oil, onions, tomatoes and everything that
had a price tag on it. I went to Lagos and the shirts I bought for N1500 this
week went up to N1700 by the next week. The shoes that went for N2000 increased
to N3500 by the next week. It was crazy… I took N50,000 to the market and
returned home with one miserly looking nylon bag…fucking N50,000!! Soon I
couldn’t afford to hangout spontaneously if I wanted… I was on a restricted
budget where I had to save and plan ahead for every expense…even emergencies.
I see how much more
frustrated our youths are; how easy it is to turn to crime to get through each
day and the next. I don’t blame them… I understand. The country has gone to
complete shit…you think it was hard to get a job before…well brace up coz it’s going
to be a lot harder to get a job now.
I was at the local store
a few months and they told me about a woman (in her mid-thirties) who was
caught trying to steal a medium size bag of semolina from the store. She was
crying, explaining to the store owner that her kids had been drinking only
water for the last three days. She was going to take the semolina home, cook it
without soup and give it to her kids to eat. Nobody offered to buy her the bag
of semolina. The store owner couldn’t let her walk away with the bag of
semolina… turning a profit was hard enough so they just let her go.
I stopped an okada a few
weeks ago, it was around 9pm and I always ensured that I had enough small bills
in my wallet so we wouldn’t argue about change. But on this day I didn’t
know what happened, maybe the devil was trying to test both our breaking points
coz what transpired when he dropped me was simply ridunkulous!
Me: Okada shebi na for my house you
suppose drop me!! Why you kan dey drop me for junction on top load wey you no
even carry for me sef?
Okada: stares blankly at
me because he doesn’t understand English and says in a bored tone ‘money’.
Am already livid at this
point; I dragged my small gear down the street to my house and walked back to
pay him.
Me: Here, this is N60 for
not carrying my luggage or dropping me at my home.
It’s important to note
here that this particular okada man not only didn’t understand English but he
was also a Fulani youth. One of the worst people to pick a fight with down here
coz things can degenerate so quickly you wonder how it went downhill that fast.
Dude says pay me the N70
we agreed on…I refuse…he comes down, parks his motorcycle and puts his hands in
front of my face. Lawwwwd!!!!! I had stacks of N10s and N20s in my wallet, I
could have paid him and walked away but instead I dropped my bag, got right in
his face and dared him to hit me! Steam was breathing forth from both our
noses; the argument was without reason but I wanted blood! Fortunately, some
passerby came around and talked him down and he went away. There I was stocked
for a fight that never happened. Like, for real yo! I was ready to throw down
on the street with this Fulani at 9:20pm. The devil possessed me right? I know…
We be fighting for
everything these days. I call it “the recession mentality” … any small
person go just frustrate without reason. The betting houses are making a shit
ton of money…they have never had it this good! I see my neighbours almost every
morning on my way back from a run and they are coming from the bet9ja shop with
fresh hope on their faces… every fucking morning without fail. Churches are
somehow finding money to build bigger and more magnificent headquarters and
pastor houses that look more like where the grand-son of Queen Elizabeth would
live and less than a home built in this recession economy. But it all makes
sense… If you build for the Lord… God will build for you, give more…even out of
the little you don’t have…
There are more crusades
every Friday… women trooping from one church to the other looking for that miraculous
financial breakthrough that can make their lives easier… How about for once the
churches ease up on bleeding their members dry…advise on the importance of hard
work to go with prayer and stop preaching false hope that only seems to put
money in the pockets of those that run the church while the members seem to
remain stuck in the same new year resolution all the damn time! Even my
neighbor who seems to have the most active sex life ever has reduced his sex
drive. This nigha used to keep me up with the screams and moans women always
made when they came over for ‘a visit’. They never wanted to leave! I don’t
know what he was doing but apparently he was doing something right…these days
all I hear is grunting, not shouting or moaning…grunting and groaning. It’s
like they just smashing for smashing sake…broke Dom can really steal the joy
and pleasure from sex.
I bet you all heard of
MMM, Givers Forum, Ultimate Cycler, Helping Hands, iCharity, etc…there is a
whole plethora of Ponzi schemes going on right now…Nigeria’s answer to a
failing economy. Almost everyone I know (including yours truly) has money invested
in one of these schemes. Young boys are buying cars, building houses, getting
married…people are even advertising it in churches and giving MMM testimonies
about how God has used MMM and co to grant them ‘financial independence’.
Yeah…Nigeria is perfect
for a Ponzi scheme like this. Flat broke, cash strapped country full of poor
people looking to upgrade to the sunny side of life and voila! You introduce a
plan that magically increases your profit by 30%, 40% and sometimes
300%...fucking amazing right! We all balling like Kings in the street…hopefully
when it crashes our money won’t be inside…somebody say Amen!
This economy had me
depressed at a point…I was reading all these books about how to get it, but the
getting couldn’t be got without any initial investment. I had all these ideas
without a means of execution and I felt trapped. I looked at my passport and I
was filled with hatred for a country that did not know who I was or gave a shit
if I killed myself in depression or suddenly came upon a Billion Dollars to
make it rich!
The country cares for
nobody…so everybody steals and hoards till there is nothing left to take and we
all bear the burden of the greed of our leaders and guides. Well…tough shit!!!
Coz as bad as I thought I had it a couple of weeks back…my neighbor was
drinking garri for breakfast and eating royal noodles for dinner on a daily…no
money for indomie abeg…

Shoutout to all those who
still balling in strip clubs and dance clubs, peeps who still turn on a/c in
their cars and can afford to eat Chinese and drink mock-tails of N3,000. Y’all
are the real MVPs biko….
We live today, we rise
tomorrow and we stay alive the day after till we get out of this fucking funk!
All man for e self oooh….aint nobody gonna save you now!
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