was walking home a while ago and I saw a Ram wailing on the side of
the road at the top of its voice; it would trot about a 100 meters and go back
in the direction whence it came from repeating the movement again. It was looking
for the rest of its flock and without them, he was panicking; his sense of
safety gone and its survival, instinct had kicked in. The animal from birth had
never existed in a vacuum. It has always had a pack; a support system,
with which it feeds, drinks, sleep, walks, draws comfort so without its pack
what is the ram? The only truth this ram ever knew was the flock so its
survival instinct was borne of the acceptance of the fact that it needs the
flock to survive.
is to believe… the belief becomes the truth and your instincts, attitude and
reaction to life events become shaped by this truth. We live in a society where
people are increasingly suffering from doubts, insecurities, lack of self-confidence,
depression, suicidal thoughts, and a plethora of negative emotions and
perceptions that have gradually shaped our belief system of ourselves until
that is all we have come to accept as the truth for our lives.
woke up really early three days ago…usually when I wake up that early am either
going for a run or walking to church so I don’t turn on the TV till I return
but that morning I tuned it to TBN as I prepped for my morning run and Joel
Osteen was speaking. This was a preacher I had previously seen pictures of on
social media but never heard teaching the word. His message resonated so well that it stayed with me all day. That evening while I prayed in the
chapel I opened the Daily Strength App on my phone to read the reflection for
the day and coincidentally it was in line with the earlier message from Joel
does not make mistakes. He has created every one of us, as we should be. Every part,
made divine. If we were to be 6 feet tall to achieve whatever purpose on earth
to serve, we would be six feet tall. If the color of our skin were to be 10 shades
lighter it would be so, if the family we are born into were not right for us we
would not be there. If our nose, ears, belly button, ass, boobs, sexual
orientation and gender were to be different then it would be so because God in
his greatest wisdom gives us exactly what we need to be the best, most
fulfilled versions of ourselves. Nothing is wrong with our bodies; our minds
are as it should be. We look in the mirrors and see faults and limitations that
do not allow us to excel while God looks at us and sees perfection in all its
where do these insecurities and doubts come from…why do we allow anxiety,
self-hatred and fear to rule our lives? We don’t have to be perfect or understood
in the eyes of man. Man is fickle and the people of this earth place value on
the outside, they fear what they do not understand and they stand apart from
anyone who does not conform to the average expectations of what people should
look like but God looks on the inside

at David, small, gentle and the least favored. There was nothing in his
physical body that screamed kingly material yet God saw beyond
the surface and anointed him as favoured beyond man. For every battle or problem
that came the way of Israel, God provided David with solutions because David
had accepted the most important of truths…For as long as He served and loved the
Living God, he need not fear or worry.

prostitute from Jericho who was instrumental in Israel’s occupation of the Promised
Land through the victory over Jericho. A
prostitute was the person that God had chosen to help his people. He
could have chosen anyone for this task but he choose her and her name is
written in the bible as the brave woman who provided cover for the Israelite
spies while they were in Jericho.
does not see as man does. He has vowed never to give us burdens beyond what we
can carry. We are enough for Him.
you doubt yourself because you cannot assimilate at the same pace with
everybody else? Your mind is perfect ACCEPT YOURSELF and find where you excel.
you worry that your because you are gay, bisexual or inter sexed you have been
separated from the love of God or unbecoming of his affections…You are perfect
in the eyes of God…there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and I guarantee you
that God accepts you as long as you accept yourself.
for a job even with your stellar qualifications and its’ been years but nothing
is happening; depression and the feeling of not being enough slowly creep in as
you start to wonder maybe the problem lies with you…You are perfect! Hold firm,
be confident and trust in the truth that God is with you always. That job He
wants you to have will be yours and not even man will be able to take it from
has placed every ability in us that we need to succeed in life. We have to
accept the truth that every part of us is perfection.
look in the mirror every day without clothes and I say to myself…Chima…you
are beautiful and sexy…your face is a work of art without blemish, your skin
glows. God I am wonderfully made, thank you and help me to use my body to give
you glory.
cannot afford to give into negative thoughts fueled by the devil because the
devil drives into our subconscious words that we are not enough…we can’t attract men
because we are not light skinned, our ass is flat, our height is under 170cm,
our nose is too big, our forehead juts out in the most unpleasing manner. The
devil helps us to find only faults in ourselves and fills us with so much self-loathing
that we cannot look at our reflections in the mirror without seeing failure.
must find our truth from deep within; In God and ourselves…The word of God is a
constant reminder of the truth that he wants to live in communion with us. If we
accept that we are enough for Him, we are enough for ourselves. We speak
positive words with our mouth and fill up on the ammunition of His words. We walk
taller knowing that our height is not a limitation. We look in the mirror, see
everything made perfect, and not give anyone the chance to make us feel
anything but a 100%; we wake up every morning filled with resilient hope that
whatever problems we are facing, God is with us and his grace will sustain us.
is a brutal world out there; social media controls the etiquette of how women
should look… extremely light skinned, the ultra-squat bum, lean figure, pointed
nose, masqueraded faces and artificial hair. We must rise above
societal expectations of who we should be and find balance instead in what
makes us happy and how God sees us.
happiness is most pertinent. Do not complain about changes you can make in your
situation but ask for the grace to metamorphosize because God has given us
praying even when it seems like the situation is not changing; never compromise
on your qualities of happiness to settle for less than you deserve…work hard to
achieve your goals and trust that in His own time the Creator of the universe
will bring to perfection every plan for you.
Cor. 10:13 – “Every test you have experienced is the kind that normally comes
to people. But God keeps His promise, and He will not allow you to be tested
beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, He will
give you the strength to endure it and so provide you with a way out”.
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