By any measure of uprightness and faithfulness, Job was a standup guy. The type of person you want in your corner when things get tough because you know, a man like that got your back. Yet, in spite of all his moral goodness, generosity and spiritual maturity, Job was imperfect.
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I read the book of job a few years ago when I was doing the one-year Bible plan but I didn’t really understand what I was reading. It all seemed like one big rant that ended with Job being blessed and everyone else returning back to their home.
This time, I had the help of Nicky Gumbel's 2018 one-year bible plan notes to help me understand and connect with Job in a way I couldn’t before. Let me share with you some of the things I learnt from the book of Job.
Be indispensable to God
Job 1:4-5: His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays…when a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified…thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts”.
God doesn’t tempt us, the devil tempts us with things we love the most because that’s what will likely to make us fall into sin, but in the midst of suffering, we are assured that God is watching, sustaining us with his divine grace. I truly believe that if one of Job’s children had been righteous as Job was, God wouldn’t have let the devil touch them. Job 1:12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man, himself do not lay a finger”.
Consider that God valued Job so much he gave specific instructions for the devil not to kill Job. This brings us to the pertinent question; how can we make ourselves indispensable to God? Thanksgiving, prayer, ceaselessly thinking about God, honesty, right living and falling back into his loving embrace when we sin because the devil wins when we wallow in the error of our sins.
Bad things happen to good people
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Job 2:7 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head.
Job 7:5 My body is clothed with worms and scabs, my skin is broken and festering.
Job suffered. I know Jesus bore our sins on the cross and he was bruised and ridiculed that all humans should be saved but Jesus had an inkling into what his entire life would be like, including the kind of death in store for him. Job was a good man, doing good things, helping the poor, solving cases, praying to God and living a righteous life. He couldn’t understand how something so terrible could be happening to him.
Job lost all his children, money, cattle, farms, everything the Lord had provided, he lost. Sometimes we can’t explain why these things happen to good folk who’ve done nothing but be good and kind to others, but that’s life. We have to learn to take the good and the bad and keep on moving, trusting that God is alive and active in our lives.
Pray the right way
Job 29:2,7,11-12,14, 16 How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me, When I went to the gate of the city and took my seat in the public square, whoever heard me spoke well of me…because I rescued the poor who cried for help and the fatherless who had none to assist them…I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban…I was a father to the needy; I took up the case of the stranger.
Job 40:1-2 The Lord said to Job: Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!
God was disappointed with the way job handled the situation, honestly, I don’t understand why because the man had his hands full with suffering! Why would God b disappointed? What did he expect any human to do? I know I would have given up my faith in God a long time ago if I was Job. So, I asked the Spirit in me, what did Job do wrong?
The Holy Spirit replied, he didn’t pray the right way. I asked how? He didn’t give thanks to God as he should have in the midst of his suffering. Look at those verses I quoted, Job seemed to be listing his achievements as a righteous man, telling his friends that everything that was happening to him wasn’t his fault.
At that moment, the Spirit taught me how to vent like a Christian. I say “Lord I thank you for your provisions, for what I have now and even for these bad times, but, I pray you ease my suffering and grant me respite. “Lord I thank you for this job that pays the bills, but I am unhappy and I want a job that challenges me, pays the bills and makes me happy”.
Now am not saying job didn't handle things well, because honestly, he went above and beyond, refusing to curse God or blaspheme against the name of God. That was the grace of God at work. I guess God expected more from Job, the same way he always expects more from us.
Vent like an OG
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Its, okay to vent to God, in fact, I do it all the time like a spoilt child when I’m not getting what I want. I would rather vent to the one person who has the power to change my situation than to whine to another human who can’t do anything for me. Vent like a champ! Tell God your problems but make sure he knows how grateful you are for everything else in your life. Like Job we are called to be better, to do more, to stand tall and righteous when we are tempted by the devil, even when it makes no sense or seems unfair.
May the God of all goodness teach us to draw from his fountain of love, grace and mercy that we may fully understand how perfect we are in his sight, even with sins and a rap sheet that makes us feel unworthy. Be a standup Christian like Job!
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