I am more active on Whatsapp than Facebook. With good reason. Whatsapp feels personal. I have more control over who can see my updates. However, some of my friends who like my religious posts, nudged me to push similar content to Facebook where more people can see. 

Every week, I am going to create a post like this. For Christian sinners who actively sin and have trouble relating to what righteous people say.
·        Sometimes, you don't need to hear the same gospel preached to you by someone who seems put together.  An active Christian who is in a good place and doesn't have the same problems with sin.
They're saying, "Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand". "Stop sinning and give your life to God." Somebody tell them it is not that easy! Move over righteous people. This corner is only for sinners. I repeat, ONLY FOR SINNERS.
Today, we're discussing the problem with masturbation and pornography. Some of you who follow me may have seen a previous post where I talked about porn.
Here are some questions you can answer in the comment section or send me your answer in private.
What thoughts are you thinking before you watch porn?
·        What do you feel after you watch porn?
·        Do you masturbate after watching porn?
·        Do you orgasm if you masturbate?
·        For those who have an active sex life, would you equate the orgasm from masturbation to that of sex with your partner?
Here are my answers
I watch porn. Initially, it was more like sex education. Knowing what to do at the moment.  It grew into a stress relief when I was frustrated. Sometimes it’s a way to pass the time and feel good...albeit momentarily.
Porn can be exhilarating. My early interest was Japanese Porn. Oh boy. Those girls with their little boobs and the men with their tiny weenies, just made me feel a bit safe
Later on, I moved to Filipino porn (maybe I have an Asian fetish, I don’t know). But the one that really got under my skirt was Gay porn. Two men having sex. For some reason, that really turns me on, inside and out.
Now you know what kind of porn I like. Let's talk about what happens before and after.

Usually, when I watch porn, its' not an isolated event. I must have thought about the orgasm before the action. it is the reward that I look forward to. I’m chasing the release. Afterwards, I feel guilty and unworthy. it's the Christian guilt from knowing I have committed a sin.
Unlike many people who go deeper until they become addicted, Grace didn't let me. I always asked God for mercy, every single time. I had Pastor Joseph Prince telling me how much God loved me for 365 days. I had Rev Nicky Gumbel reminding me about the infiniteness of the love of God. Together, they brought me up before I went down.
There is no measurement of sin. Nothing like masturbation is better than pre-marital sex. Don't be deceived people, it’s all sin.
Acknowledge the problem or you will never have a solution. I take each step and I do every task consciously. I am constantly tracking my thoughts, 24/7, even in my sleep.
This is the only way to prevent sexual sin from taking over. I also partake in a challenge through an app called STOP M. It motivates you to quit masturbation. I speak to my Catholic Priest about masturbation. He advises me because he knows that I am celibate and determined to wait.
In a way, he understands how difficult it can be, being abstinent from sex when you're surrounded by sin. I also have frequent discussions with my friends. Masturbation is only a problem when you refuse to talk about it. Take away the power of sexual sin by giving it a voice, a name and owning it.
I just opened myself up to you. In the hopes that you can see my vulnerabilities and grow stronger in it. There is nothing like shame here because Jesus already took that on the Cross. Grace is with you, The Spirit lives in you. God's love is more in you than the rest of the human race. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
***Next week we'll talk about how the church and our parents have a role in addictions that plague young people***
